Winter scarf in the summer

Tanya Egorova
1 min readJan 8, 2021

And now just imagine….as if you’d be writing this story just for yourself…
and no one will see it..then you’ll realize…there is no need to be scared of being underestimated or misunderstood. Then you will feel that you can write freely
about the most intimate and important stuff of your own. It’s like feeling yourself being psychologically and emotionally naked, in its own good way…

We tend to hide and carefully cherish the deepest parts of our souls…
like during the severe winters we put on layers and layers of clothes to protect our bodies from the cold. It’s a necessity — to survive…

And just like we protect our bodies — we protect our souls…
even if that means to hide it somewhere deep inside under the thousand layers of invisible emotional clothes…from the cold of the outside world…but it feels so heavy and way too unnecessary most of the time…like it’s already a blasting heat in the summer but we still wearing that scarf. And it’s barbed, and it feels suffocating but we still keep it on because we’ve been taught by the previous unpleasant winter experiences — it’s too dangerous not to keep it on…….

So we think we protecting ourselves by not opening up, but in reality, most of the time- we are just missing out..

